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to work for you
A good criminal defense attorney must possess a deep understanding of the law. It's in those details that a quality defense can be mounted for an individual charged with a crime.
If you have questions about criminal charges you are facing or if you would like to speak with me to discuss your legal options, I’ll be glad to meet with you and discuss the specific details of the problem. You should be looking for an advocate who will design a legal strategy to suit your precise situation, whether you are facing charges of drunk driving, drug possession, domestic disputes or other criminal offenses.
I have seen folks struggle to find employment or get into school because they didn’t fight to keep their record clean. Due to the increasing ease with which the public can research your criminal history, it is imperative to know and exercise your rights.
A criminal record often follows an individual for the rest of his or her life. For that reason, it is almost never a good idea to discuss your case with law enforcement or sign a statement relating to a criminal investigation without an attorney present. Call me before deciding to take on even a seemingly minor offense on your own. I will do my level best to provide straightforward answers and to alleviate any fears you may have.
If you or someone you know has been arrested for possession of a controlled substance, even a small amount of marijuana, you need to be advised regarding your legal rights and options. I have the proven capability to successfully represent clients in an efficient and professional manner.
Member: Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Scroll down to learn more about specific criminal defense areas we cover.

Property Crimes
Property crimes include many common crimes relating to theft, damage, or destruction of property belonging to another individual or entity. They can range from misdemeanor offenses such as shoplifting or criminal damage to property to serious felonies including armed robbery, burglary, and arson. Generally speaking, the following charges fall under the property crimes category: theft, shoplifting, arson, burglary, robbery, and criminal damage to property. A qualified lawyer can help explain your options when someone you know has been charged with a property crime. Contact us to set up a free consultation.
Drug-Related Crimes
Drug-related crimes include simple drug possession for personal use quantities, drug trafficking/distribution (being in possession of larger amounts of illegal drugs), and drug manufacturing (the production of illicit drugs). No matter what you were charged with, drug-related crimes are serious offenses which are often accompanied by collateral consequences that demand quality legal representation. Let us know how we can be of assistance.
Restraining Orders
Survivors of domestic violence have several civil and criminal protection or restraining order options to protect themselves from further abuse and harassment. These protective orders permit the victim to notify local authorities and have the abuser arrested for aggravated stalking if the order is violated. Our firm can help you with obtaining issuance of emergency protection orders, protection orders, and restraining orders and defending against wrongful allegations.
Felony Offenses
Felony offenses are some of the most serious charges someone can face and are often associated with harsh penalties including mandatory minimum sentencing. Murder, second degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, and kidnapping are some of the more common felony offenses individuals in South Georgia can be charged with. Certain property crimes and crimes against a person (assault/battery) can also be considered a felony offense, depending on the severity of the crime. If you or a loved one are facing felony charges, it's a smart move to hire an experienced lawyer who can help you successfully navigate the legal system in South Georgia.
Alcohol Crimes
Public intoxication, DUI (driving under the influence), open container, underage consumption, and MIP (minor in possession) are a few of the more common charges related to alcohol. Being charged with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is usually the most serious crime and can lead to some serious complications down the road if not handled properly. We go into greater detail on the topic of drunk driving charges on our DUI defense page. As always, let us know how we can help.
Juvenile Delinquency
One of my biggest motivators is helping children and young adults who have run off course for the first time, which is why I joined the Family Law and Child Protection and Advocacy Sections of the Georgia State Bar. No matter what delinquency charges a minor is facing, I would be honored to help a child get back on course. Learn more on my juvenile defense web page.
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence refers to violent or abusive acts committed by one family or household member against another, such as child abuse or spousal abuse. Domestic violence can occur in any kind of intimate relationship or co-habitation arrangement.
Assault & Battery
Assault covers a wide range of illegal behavior, but does not necessarily mean that someone was physically harmed. When someone is physically harmed in an altercation, the charges become battery. If you or a loved one has been charged with assault or battery in Georgia, contact the law office of Hayden Willis to set up a free consultation to discuss the best way forward.
Sex Crimes
A number of different offenses fall into the sex crimes category, but they generally involve illegal or coerced sexual conduct against another individual. Sexual battery, rape, statutory rape, and solicitation are just a few of the topics that fall under this broad legal category. People convicted of sex crimes, including almost all sex crimes involving children, regardless of severity, are considered “sex offenders” by the State of Georgia and face having their names added to the sex offender registry for the remainder of their life.
Cyber Crimes
Cyber crimes are criminal offenses committed via the Internet or otherwise aided by various forms of computer technology, such as the use of online social networks to bully others (cyberbullying) or sending sexually explicit digital photos with a smart phone. Computer crimes include unauthorized intrusion into a computer or network or the introduction of a virus onto a computer. Other common cyber crimes include identity theft and sexting (the use of text messaging on a phone, laptop, or similar networking technology to send and receive sexually explicit messages or imagery).